Thursday, December 31, 2015
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
I am honoured and privileged to present the 2016 Budget proposal. This is my first address before this joint session of the National Assembly. I have come here today, not only to address members of the National Assembly, but also to speak directly to the men and women who placed us here.
2. I know the state of our economy is a source of concern for many. This has been further worsened by the unbridled corruption and security challenges we have faced in the last few years. From those who have lost their jobs, to those young people who have never had a job, to the people in the North East whose families and businesses were destroyed by insurgents, this has been a difficult period in our nation’s history, lessons that we must not forget or ignore, as we plan for the future.
3. By June 2014, oil prices averaged $112 per barrel. But as at today, the price is under $39 per barrel. This huge decline is having a painful effect on our economy. Consumption has declined at all levels. In both the private and public sectors, employers have struggled to meet their salary and other employee related obligations. The small business owners and traders have been particularly hard hit by this state of affairs.
4. Fellow Nigerians, the confidence of many might be shaken. However, I stand before you today promising that we will secure our country, rebuild our economy, and make the Federal Republic of Nigeria stronger than it has ever been.
5. The answers to our problems are not beyond us. They exist on our farmlands; our corporations; in the universities in the hearts and minds of our entrepreneurs; through the gallantry of our Armed Forces; and the resolute spirit of Nigerians, especially the youth, who have refused to give up despite all the obstacles confronting them.
6. This Budget proposal, the first by our Government, seeks to stimulate the economy, making it more competitive by focusing on infrastructural development; delivering inclusive growth; and prioritizing the welfare of Nigerians. We believe that this budget, while helping industry, commerce and investment to pick up, will as a matter of urgency, address the immediate problems of youth unemployment and the terrible living conditions of the extremely poor and vulnerable Nigerians.
7. In the medium to longer term, we remain committed to economic diversification through import substitution and export promotion. This will build resilience in our economy. It will guarantee that the problems we have today, will not confront our children and their children. This shall be our legacy for generations to come.
2015: A Year of Global and Domestic Challenges
8. Today, it is widely acknowledged that the global economy has slowed down. This is particularly the case with emerging markets such as Nigeria. However, despite the weak emerging market growth rates, our domestic security challenges, declining oil prices, and the attendant difficulties in providing foreign exchange to meet market demands, the Nigerian economy grew by 2.84% in the third quarter of 2015.
9. We have, and will continue to implement strategies that will maintain macroeconomic stability and manage the oil price shocks we are experiencing.
10. Upon the inauguration of this administration on 29th May 2015, we engaged key stakeholders from various sectors of our economy and interfaced with the heads of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in order to understand the true state of our nation. What we found prompted us to take certain strategic decisions.
11. On the economy, we injected new leadership at the helm of our revenue generating agencies including the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), and the Nigerian Customs Service (NCS). We implemented the Treasury Single Account (TSA) which, so far, has provided greater visibility of Government revenues and cash flows. We intervened to support States to navigate their fiscal challenges by restructuring their commercial bank loans and by providing facilities to enable them to pay salary arrears.
12. We have demonstrated a strong will to fight corruption. I am sure you will agree that the sheer scale of corruption and impunity of the past explains in part, the economic challenges we now face. On these initiatives, and the many more to come, we shall not be deterred. We will pursue the recovery of everything that belongs to the people of Nigeria. No matter where it is hidden. No matter how long it will take.
2015 Budget Performance
13. Distinguished and honourable members of the National Assembly, I now present a review of the 2015 Budget. That Budget was based on a benchmark oil price of $53 per barrel, oil production of 2.28 million barrels per day and an exchange rate of N190 to the US$.
14. The projected revenue was N3.45 trillion, with an outlay of N4.49 trillion, implying a deficit of N1.04 trillion. Due largely to under-provisioning by the previous administration for fuel subsidy and the costs required to support the military operations in the North East, the Government had to obtain National Assembly’s approval for a supplementary budget of N575.5 billion. I take this opportunity to thank all members of the National Assembly for the prompt passage of that Bill.
2016: Budget Assumptions
15. After reviewing the trends in the global oil industry, we have set a benchmark price of $38 per barrel and a production estimate of 2.2 million barrels per day for 2016. We have focused on non-oil revenues by broadening our tax base and improving the effectiveness of our revenue collecting agencies.
16. Also, with the full implementation of the Treasury Single Account, we expect significant improvements in the collection and remittance of independent revenues. To further support the drive for increased remittances, we will ensure that all MDAs present their budgets in advance, and remit their operating surpluses as required by section 22 of the Fiscal Responsibility Act.
17. We are determined to ensure that our resources are managed prudently and utilized solely for the public good. To set the proper tone, one of our early decisions was the adoption of a zero based budgeting approach, which ensures that resources are aligned with Government’s priorities and allocated efficiently. This budgeting method, a clear departure from previous budgeting activities, will optimize the impact of public expenditure.
18. In addition to the proper linkage of budgeting to strategic planning, we are enhancing the utilization of the Government Integrated Financial Management Information Systems (GIFMIS) to improve financial management. The recently established Efficiency Unit is working across MDAs to identify and eliminate wasteful spending, duplication and other inefficiencies. We engaged costing experts to scrutinize the 2016 budget proposals. They have already identified certain cost areas that can be centralized for economies to be made.
19. We have directed the extension of the Integrated Personnel Payroll Information System (IPPIS) to all MDAs to reap its full benefits. We will also strengthen the controls over our personnel and pension costs with the imminent introduction of the Continuous Audit Process (CAP). These initiatives will ensure personnel costs are reduced. Our commitment to a lean and cost effective government remains a priority, and the initiatives we are introducing will signal a fundamental change in how Government spends public revenue.
2016: Laying the Foundation for Sustainable Growth
20. The 2016 budget, as outlined, is designed to ensure that we revive our economy, deliver inclusive growth to Nigerians and create a significant number of jobs.
21. We aim to ensure macroeconomic stability by achieving a real GDP growth rate of 4.37% and managing inflation. To achieve this, we will ensure the aligning of fiscal, monetary, trade and industrial policies.
22. As we focus on inclusive growth, we are conscious of the current rate of unemployment and underemployment. This is a challenge we are determined to meet; and this budget is the platform for putting more Nigerians to work. I can assure you that this administration will have a job creation focus in every aspect of the execution of this budget. Nigeria’s job creation drive will be private sector led. We will encourage this by a reduction in tax rates for smaller businesses as well as subsidized funding for priority sectors such as agriculture and solid minerals.
23. As an emergency measure, to address the chronic shortage of teachers in public schools across the country, we also will partner with State and Local Governments to recruit, train and deploy 500,000 unemployed graduates and NCE holders. These graduate teachers will be deployed to primary schools, thereby, enhancing the provision of basic education especially in our rural areas.
24. We also intend to partner with State and Local Governments to provide financial training and loans to market women, traders and artisans, through their cooperative societies. We believe that this segment of our society is not only critical to our plan for growing small businesses, but it is also an important platform to create jobs and provide opportunities for entrepreneurs.
25. Furthermore, through the office of the Vice President, we are working with various development partners to design an implementable and transparent conditional cash transfer program for the poorest and most vulnerable. This program will be implemented in phases. Already, the compilation of registers of the poorest persons is ongoing. In the coming weeks, we will present the full programme, which will include our home-grown public primary school feeding and free education for science, technology and education students in our tertiary institutions. Indeed, this will mark a historic milestone for us as a nation.
The 2016 Budget
26. Distinguished members of the National Assembly, I now present, the 2016 Budget proposals of the Federal Government. Based on the assumptions I presented earlier, we have proposed a budget of N6.08 trillion with a revenue projection of N3.86 trillion resulting in a deficit of N2.22 trillion.
27. The deficit, which is equivalent to 2.16% of Nigeria’s GDP, will take our overall debt profile to 14% of our GDP. This remains well within acceptable fiscal limits. Our deficit will be financed by a combination of domestic borrowing of N984 billion, and foreign borrowing of N900 billion totaling N1.84 trillion. Over the medium term, we expect to increase revenues and reduce overheads, to bring the fiscal deficit down to 1.3% of GDP by 2018.
28. In 2016, oil related revenues are expected to contribute N820 billion. Non-oil revenues, comprising Company Income Tax (CIT), Value Added Tax (VAT), Customs and Excise duties, and Federation Account levies, will contribute N1.45 trillion. Finally, by enforcing strict compliance with the Fiscal Responsibility Act, 2007 and public expenditure reforms in all MDAs, we have projected up to N1.51 trillion from independent revenues.
29. Although we are working to diversify our economy, we will not lose sight of the need to restructure the oil and gas sector which has been marred by corruption and plagued with inefficiencies. Accordingly, I have directed the Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency (PPPRA) to adjust its pricing template to reflect competitive and market driven components. We believe this can lower input costs and attain efficiency savings that will enable PPPRA to keep the selling price for all marketers of petrol at N87 per liter for now.
30. The current fuel scarcity with long queues at petrol stations all over the country causing social dislocation is very unfortunate. Government profoundly apologizes to Nigerians for this prolonged hardship and misery. It is as a result of market speculators and resistance to change by some stakeholders. Government is working very hard to end these shortages and bring fuel to the pumps all over the country.
31. I have also directed the NNPC to explore alternate funding models that will enable us to honour our obligations in Joint Ventures (JVs) and deep offshore fields. We are confident that these measures can be achieved and will lower the burden that the traditional cash calls have imposed on our budget and cash flows as well as contribute towards shoring up our national reserves.
32. To deliver our development objectives, we have increased the capital expenditure portion of the budget from N557 billion in the 2015 budget to N1.8 trillion, in the 2016 budget. Distinguished and honourable members of the National Assembly, for the first time in many years, capital expenditure will represent 30% of our total budget. In future years we intend to raise the percentage allocation for capital expenditure.
33. This is a fulfillment of our promise to align expenditure to our long-term objectives, and a sign of government’s commitment to sustainable development. This increased capital expenditure commits significant resources to critical sectors such as Works, Power and Housing – N433.4 billion; Transport – N202.0 billion; Special Intervention Programs – N200.0 billion; Defence – N134.6 billion; and Interior – N53.1 billion. These investments in infrastructure and security are meant to support our reforms in the Agriculture, Solid Minerals and other core job creating sectors of our economy.
34. We will invest to safeguard lives and property.
35. We will invest in equipping our farmers with the right tools, technology and techniques.
36. We will invest in empowering and enabling our miners to operate in a safe, secure and humane environment.
37. We will invest in training our youths, through the revival of our technical and vocational institutions, to ensure they are competent enough to seize the opportunities that will arise from this economic revival.
38. Indeed, the future looks bright. And I ask that we all work together to make this vision a reality. The 223% year on year growth in capital expenditure demonstrates our desire to make Nigeria more competitive, and start the journey to deliver sustainable development in our country.
39. In fulfillment of our promise to run a lean government, we have proposed a 9% reduction in non-debt recurrent expenditure, from N2.59 trillion in the 2015 Budget to N2.35 trillion in 2016. Furthermore, we have budgeted N300 billion for Special Intervention Programs, which takes the total amount for non-debt recurrent expenditure to N2.65 trillion.
39. As I mentioned earlier, the Efficiency Unit set up by this Administration together with effective implementation of GIFMIS and IPPIS will drive a reduction of overheads by at least 7%, personnel costs by 8% and other service wide votes by 19%. Distinguished and honourable members, this budget will be executed to provide optimum value by ensuring every naira spent by this Government, counts.
40. We will devote a significant portion of our recurrent expenditure to institutions that provide critical government services. We will spend N369.6 billion in Education; N294.5 billion in Defence; N221.7 billion in Health and N145.3 billion in the Ministry of Interior. This will ensure our teachers, armed forces personnel, doctors, nurses, police men, fire fighters, prison service officers and many more critical service providers are paid competitively and on time.
41. Distinguished and honourable members of the National Assembly, our 2016 borrowings will be principally directed to fund our capital projects. Furthermore, the sum of N113 billion will be set aside for a Sinking Fund towards the retirement of maturing loans; while N1.36 trillion has been provided for foreign and domestic debt service. This calls for prudent management on our part, both of the debt portfolio and the deployment of our hard earned foreign exchange earnings.
42. I am aware of the problems many Nigerians currently have in accessing foreign exchange for their various purposes – from our traders and business operators who rely on imported inputs; to manufacturers needing to import sophisticated equipment and spare parts; to our airlines operators who need foreign exchange to meet their international regulatory obligations; to the financial services sector and capital markets who are key actors in the global arena.
43. These are clearly due to the current inadequacies in the supply of foreign exchange to Nigerians who need it. I am however assured by the Governor of Central Bank that the Bank is currently fine-tuning its foreign exchange management to introduce some flexibility and encourage additional inflow of foreign currency to help ease the pressure.
44. We are carefully assessing our exchange rate regime keeping in mind our willingness to attract foreign investors but at the same time, managing and controlling inflation to level that will not harm the average Nigerians. Nigeria is open for business. But the interest of all Nigerians must be protected. Indeed, tough decisions will have to be made. But this does not necessarily mean increasing the level of pain already being experienced by most Nigerians.
45. So to the investors, business owners and industrialists, we are aware of your pains. To the farmers, traders and entrepreneurs, we also hear you. The status quo cannot continue. The rent seeking will stop. The artificial current demand will end. Our monetary, fiscal and social development policies are aligned.
46. Mr. Senate President, Mr. Speaker, distinguished members of the National Assembly, in spite of the global economic uncertainties; we must remain steadfast in our commitment to steer this country back to greatness.
47. The Nigerian economy needs to move away from dependency on oil. Our growth must be inclusive. Nigerians must be part of the growth story. As a Government, we shall deliver security, jobs and infrastructure. This is the right of all Nigerians.
48. I know many people will say “I have heard this before”. Indeed, trust in Government, due to the abuse and negligence of the past, is at an all-time low. This means we must go back to basics. Our actions will speak for us. My team of dedicated, committed and patriotic Nigerians is well aware of the task ahead and I can assure you that we are taking on the challenge.
49. We will not betray the trust reposed in us.
50. We will welcome and be responsive to your feedback and criticisms.
51. We are here to serve. And indeed, Nigerians will get the service they have longed for and which they rightly deserve.
52. We as a Government cannot do it alone. We will require the support of all civil servants, the organized labour, industry groups, the press and of course, our religious and traditional institutions. This is a call for all of us to stand and serve our country.
53. This Budget represents a major step in delivering a new opportunity for Nigeria. It demonstrates our confident optimism that despite the challenging times, we have the will, resourcefulness and commitment to deliver prosperity to our people. And by the Grace of Almighty God and the sheer will and determination of the Nigerian people, we will come out stronger and more united than ever.
54. Thank you and God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Tsaragi-Share clash: KWSG imposes 24hr curfew
Following the current communal clash between Share and Tsaragi Communities, the Kwara State Government hereby imposes a 24hr curfew in both communities, effective immediately.
The Kwara State Government warns that anyone found with illegals arms and ammunition or otherwise found disrupting peace and public order in both communities will be dealt with in line with the laws of the land.
While other Security agencies, particularly the police, State Security Services and Civil Defence are already on ground, a detachment of the Nigerian Army has been drafted to ensure compliance with the curfew and the maintainance of peace in the communities.
The Kwara State Government therefore assures of its preparedness to deploy all lawful measures to ensure the welfare and security of all citizens.
Other communities in the state are also urged to continue to live in peace with their neighbouring communities as the full weight of the law will be brought to bear on anyone or group found inciting trouble in any part of the state no matter how highly placed.
Alhaji Sola Isiaka Gold
Secretary to the Kwara State Government
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
NIS parades 45 illegal Nigerien immigrants in Kwara
Illegal Nigerien immigrants paraded by the Nigeria Immigration Service in Kwara State today at the Federal Secretariat, Ilorin.
Friday, December 4, 2015
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Onitsha Mosque Attack: Don't repel evils, Sultan tells Nigerian Muslims
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Prof. Is-haq Oloyede, at a news briefing in Ilorin, Kwara State...Thursday |
Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) under the
leadership of the President-General, the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji
Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar, CFR, mni, notes with distress the unfortunate
and unprovoked attacks on Muslims and the Central Mosque of Onitsha,
Anambra State, yesterday, Wednesday, December 2, 2015.
perpetrators of the dastardly acts, which culminated in the loss of
lives and burning of trucks owned by a prominent Muslim businessman
only sought to provoke inter-religious crises and thereby get Nigeria
further embroiled in needless bloodletting. Muslims, must as a matter of
principle, resist the temptation of being drawn to retaliation. They
should consider the perpetrators as criminals and not representative of
any ethnic or religious group.
NSCIA is fully aware of the development and is working round the clock
to put the situation under control. Muslims are warned against the
antics of those who seek to whip up religious sentiments to further
their clandestine political motives. Vengeance is for Allah and Muslims
should exercise maximum restraint in these trying times.
call on Muslim brothers and sisters not to embark on reprisals attacks
on Christians and their places of worship in any part of Nigeria. We are
already engaged in discussions with various security and relevant
government agencies to forestall further aggravation of the situation.
also call on all religious and interfaith organizations across the
country to step-up their peace-building initiatives in order to support
the government and strengthen the enabling climate peace and good
In addition, we want to request all Imams and
Muslim scholars to cooperate with the Nigerian Supreme Council for
Islamic Affairs in dowsing the tension created by the unfortunate
Meanwhile, we
wish to appeal to the Federal Government of Nigeria and the relevant
security agencies to take urgent and appropriate steps to safeguard the
lives of Muslims brothers and sisters and any other vulnerable community
living in any part of the country.
line with our religious injunctions, preserving a single life is
similar to preserving the lives of the whole of humanity. We should not
allow the current unfortunate development to negatively affect
interfaith relationship between Muslims and Christians in this country
which is needed for the achievement of peace and development of our
In the same vein, we want to appeal to various groups
and organisations to always resort to the use the appropriate channels
provided by the constitution, the law and our democratic structure for
resolving any grievances.
also call on the government to investigate the incidences surrounding
the killings and wanton destruction of the mosque in Onitsha and bring
the perpetrators to justice.
pray for God’s continued guidance and support of our leaders and the
citizens of Nigeria in the effort towards building a nation where peace
and justice shall reign.
Muslims are enjoined to heed the call of Allah by upholding the virtues
that guard against the demolition of “monasteries, synagogues and
mosques in which Allah is much mentioned” (Q 22:40). They should
remember that the position of Islam is that the unsavoury development
requires reflection. The consequences of swallowing the bait of drawing
Muslims into the hideous agenda would only be disastrous. Therefore, the
key words are patience, steadfastness, discipline, restrain and
Allah says in
the Glorious Quran, “The good deed and the evil deed cannot be equal.
Repel the evil with one which is better. Then, verily, he between whom
and you there was enmity (will become) as though he was a close friend.”
(Q41: 34). Allah thus commands the believers to be patient when they
feel angry, be forbearing when confronted with ignorance and to forgive
when they are ill-treated. It is by doing these that Allah will stand by
The NSCIA calls on all Chief Imams to utilise the
Minbar tomorrow to preach, peace, justice and restraints. Two wrongs do
not make a right. Innocent persons should not be made to suffer as a
result of the act of few misguided individuals.
The NSCIA is
confident of the capacity of the state to put the situation under
control. As Prophet Muhammad (SAW), said, “There is no better punishment
for one who has disobeyed Allah with regard to you than your obeying
Allah with regard to him.”
Prof. Is-haq O.Oloyede, OFR,
Secretary-General, NSCIA
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Eight Local Government Chairmen suspended in Kwara
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Suspended LG Chairmen in Kwara State...PIX from National Pilot Newspaper |
Thursday, November 26, 2015
No Ban on Hijab By NYSC, says DG
Yesterday, (25th of November, 2015), several media houses misled Nigerians by spreading false headlines that Hijab has been banned in the NYSC scheme.
Immediately, the National executives of the Muslim Corpers’ Association of Nigeria (MCAN) contacted the Director General of the scheme through a letter and Text messages to verify the news going viral.
Prior to the misleading news from the media, the National Executives of MCAN met with the DG on (Tuesday, 24 of November, 2015 which corresponds to the 12th of Safar, 1437AH) with respect to the same Hijab and harassment of Corps members issue in some states. In the meeting, the DG assured MCAN of collectively creating a lasting solution to the issues we raised.
On (Wednesday, 25 of November, 2015 which corresponds to the 13th of Safar, 1437AH) The DG discredited the misleading news of some media houses and bloggers such as Punch, Daily trust, and Linda Ikeji among others. He reaffirmed his willingness to work with MCAN executives to attain a better NYSC.
The following text messages were exchanged between the DG and MCAN to reach a consensus on the issue, as we await an official document to this effect;
“Good day sir, please can you kindly clarify the news on the Ban of hijab. Thank you”
25th of November, 2015 – 04: 59pm
Director General of NYSC;
“Nobody can ban the use of Hijab in NYSC. We are only pleading that due to the current security situation in the country, our corps members are requested to try and avoid use of Long Hijab. However, what’s your own view and advice on it? Thanks”
25th of November, 2015 – 05: 08pm
“It is a great honour and privilege to be given the opportunity to advice. We advise a hijab to the knee and a three quarter trousers. We have also asked our members to cooperate with the security agencies to maintaining peace and order during checking and to report suspicious persons. It is a great opportunity having your personality as DG, We pray for your long life and health. Thanks”
25th of November, 2015 – 06 : 44pm
Director General of NYSC;
“This is fine, I will ensure that this is conveyed to all the states orientation camp to guide them. Thanks and God bless.”
25th of November, 2015 – 06 : 50pm
Based on our discussion with the DG, all Muslim corps members are hereby informed that; White Hijabs which is up to the knee level and three quarter trousers are now accepted by NYSC pending the time the security challenges in the country will be totally eradicated, it’s very difficult to compromise our religious conventions to this extent by accepting to use Hijabs which are not up to the feet or ankle level however the DG pleaded we accept his offers in order to prevent any security threat. In addition , the DG also promised to send directives to all the NYSC staffs.
Hence, Kindly report any military or NYSC personal to your MCAN state Amir if you are harassed or ordered to take off your hijab, provided it’s around the knee level.
In Sha Allah, we shall communicate further information to you shortly. As we await an official communication to this effect. Thus, we enjoy you to stay calm.
We advise all Corps Members to submit to security checks, be respectful, obedient, tolerant, prayerful and above all, report any provoking issue(s) to the rightful bodies in order to prevent any form of regrettable violence.
Kindly disregard all the misleading and false information from media houses. Get a first-hand information from MCAN in regards to Muslim corps members’ affairs. Furthermore, we enjoy all media houses to deploy investigative journalism before passing out information, as passing of wrong information of this nature can turn the country into total mess. We also use this medium to call the attention of the Ministry of Information to control the flow of unprofessional and misleading News.
Special Appreciations to;
The NYSC Director General : Brigadier General Johnson Olawunmi, NSCIA , The Muslim Youth League in Da’awah, MSSN,MURIC, FOMWAN, CRITERION, Other Islamic Bodies, Individuals and Sisters’ Organisations who showed support through Calls , messages and media campaigns.
Thank you all
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Town Bans Citizens from Wearing Baggy
Law enforcement in Laurel, Missisipi, USA is reportedly cracking down on citizens wearing baggy pants.
The town’s police department is putting a call to action in motion by posting signs in public places that red, “Pull up your pants,” and “No one wants to see your underwear.”
Police Chief Officer Tyrone Stewart said the style the cities younger residents deem as cool or popular is “disturbing because that’s something these young people should have learned that home.”…
Henceforth, anyone see wearing baggy pants three inches below his /her wrist will be accused of indecent exposure.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Free fistula repair begins in Kwara
USAID funded Fistula Care Plus Project in collaboration with Kwara State Ministry of Health, is organizing a free fistula treatment at SOBI Specialist Hospital, Ilorin, Kwara State, starting from today, Monday 22 November, 2015 to Friday, 27th November, 2015.
Fistula is the uncontrollable leakage of urine and/or faeces from the vagina following childbirth or from other causes.
If you are down with this condition, please come and access the treatment free of charge at SOBI Specialist Hospital, Ilorin.
If you know anyone with VVF/RVF, kindly encourage her to visit the hospital....Nigeria records 12,000 new cases of fistula every year!
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Dr. Steve Arigidi, Surgeon-in-charge of Fistula repair at Sobi Specialist Hosp., Ilorin |
Hoarding: DPR distributes fuel free in Kwara
The Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) in Kwara State has kept to the directive of Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Ibe Kachikwu to distribute hoarded petroleum product free to the public.
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(L-R): Kwara DPR Operations Controller, Salvation Philip, other DPR officials during monitoring in Ilorin |
Mr. Philip accused the stations of hoarding and selling against the official pump price of N87 per litre.
He also accused Nasmut Nigeria Limited of operating illegally without DPR operating license which is said was punishable under the law.
The DPR boss explained that the free distribution of fuel was in compliance with Ministerial directive that any station found hoarding petroleum product should be penalised with free distribution of the product.
Mr. Philip promised that the DPR would continue to ensure that product received by filling stations were dispensed to commuters in an orderly manner.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
9 Newly Sworn-in Commissioners in Kwara & Portfolios
Ahmed Muhammad Rifun - Ministry of Commerce and Cooperatives
Doctor Amina Susaade Ahmed - Tertiary Education and Science and Technology
Mr. Bamidele Oladimeji - Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Alhaji Haruna Tambiri Muhammad - Ministry of Local Government, Community Development and Chieftaincy Affairs
Hajia Iyabo Jolaade - Ministry of Social Development, Culture and Tourism
Mr. Muideen Alalade - Ministry of Housing and Urban Development
Hajia Asiat Ayinke Saka - Ministry of Women Affairs
Alhaji Sulaiman Atolagbe Alege - Ministry of Health
Alhaji Wasiu Odewale - Ministry of Planning and Economic Development.
Friday, November 13, 2015
Fuel scarcity: DPR to impose N10m fine on erring filling stations in Kwara
The Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) says it will henceforth impose N10m fine on erring filling station which violates regulations under the downstream sub-sector.
Similarly, 22 filling stations have so far been sanctioned for various violations of regulations across Kwara State.
The Operations Controller of DPR, Ilorin Field Office, Mr. Salvation Philip disclosed this today in Ilorin while participating on a Radio Kwara interactive programme," The Platform".
Mr. Philip who said that filling stations sanctioned had been made to pay fine and sealed their stations for two months said any station caught contravening the laws would be sealed off indefinitely.
The DPR boss blamed some marketers for causing untold hardship on the public and promised that the agency would continue to collaborate with security agencies in checking diversion, under-delivering of fuel and other infractions of petroleum products.
Mr. Philip insisted that any filling station which lift fuel outside the Ilorin depot must report to Ilorin Depot for re-certification of the commodiity in order to ascertain the quality and quantity of the product and check fuel diversion in the state.
On the proliferation of filling stations within Ilorin metropolis, the DPR boss said census is already being taking to ascertain the state of their infrastructure and the legality of such stations to their environment and assured that the issue would be handled in the interest of the public.
Callers on the programme commended the Department of Petroleum Resources for its activities in the state and urged the agency to do more against diversion of fuel particularly in Baruten axis of the state.
Friday, November 6, 2015
Rewarding Excellence in Sports: Governor Ahmed's Style
No matter the vocation you choose to do, no matter the kind of discipline you posses and the kind of legal means you choose to earn a living, it cannot go unnoticed for eternity. Surely, it may be rewarded sooner than expected!
In whatever you do, do it with passion, zeal and total commitment to get attention and recognised beyond your immediate environment. Once you are reckoned with, whatever you do could not go unnoticed. Hence, it cannot go unrewarded.
Just recently, luck enveloped the trio of Abolaji Omotayo, Peka Victor and Adeyemi Sikiru, who all won gold Medals for Nigeria at the Commonwealth Youth Athletics Games in Samoa and African Junior Championship in Ethiopia when they were received by the Governor of Kwara State, Alh. Abdulfatah Ahmed at the Government House, Ilorin.
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(L-R): Abolaji Omotayo, Gov Abdulfatah Ahmed, Peka Victor and Adeyemi Sikiru |
These athletes who know their onus on the tracks had won medals in 100m, 4 x 100m relay, 4 x 400m, 200m and 400m race by carrying Nigerian flag to international championships through the National Sports Commission and made the country proud. Who says Usain Bolt of this world cannot be discovered in Kwara State?
In fact, during the good old days, Kwara State could boost of the likes of
Olapade Adenekan, Bisi Afolabi,
Halimat Yusuf, Kehinde Aladefa, Omotayo Akinremi, Toyin Durotoye, Kuranga, Kayode Afolabi and Tunju Moronfoye (Ex-commissioner for Information & Communications)
who were all fantastic athletes of repute in the track and field events. In those days, Kwara was a centre of excellence in Nigeria, because they all brought glory to the state and Nigeria at large by winning medals at the nation's annual fiesta National Sports Festivals and other champions outside the shores of Nigeria.
With the likes of Abolaji Omotayo, Peker Victor and Adeyemi Sikiru, hope is not lost. In fact, there abound several talents in the track and field events and other sporting events across the length and breadth of Kwara State that are yet to be discovered while those discovered have not been exploited to make them realise their full potentials in life. To say the least, many died with their dreams as a result of lack of support and encouragement from immediate families, communities, corporate organisations and governments.
Rejoicing with the state over the success of the athletes, the Director-General, National Sports Commission, Mallam Al-Hassan Yakmut who was in the state for the University of Ilorin Marathon had a tete-a-tete with Governor Abdulfatah Ahmed in at the Government House, Ilorin where he commended the state government for its interventions in sports sector which led to the success of four athletes from Kwara at the Commonwealth Youths Games in Samoa.
"I came purposely to appreciate what you have done. There was something unique that happened at the Commonweath Youth Games between September 2nd and 13th, 2015 in Samoa. Four out of the 11 athletes that participated in the competition are from Kwara State and all the four athletes won medals.
"And the category of the medals symbolised the position of Kwara State in sports, they were mostly gold medals. So your excellency, you are a golden Governor.
"In order to tap on this luck, we have engaged the University of Ilorin and the Vice Chancellor, Prof. AbdulGaniy Ambali has accepted that the new dimension to Youth Games which has made the National Youths Games a University based activity has been approved by the Vice Chancellor and the 2016 and 2017 editions of the National Youths Games will be hosted by the University.
"We did observed that we need some complementary facilities from the state in order to support the University. Because, the University does not has Swimming Pool, and its indoor sport hall lack facilities.
"So, we want to take this opportunity to request your excellency to do help us to include in your budget, the renovation of the Indoor Sports Hall, where I as a National athlete was camped in 1985 for 36 good days before we went for an international competition. I still remember my bunk bed in the hostel here, your excellency.
The Director General did not hesitate to say that the Kwara Football Academy is the best so far in the country and the most organised and the oldest has occupied two blocks of the hostel and appealed that another set of two blocks that have 33 rooms and four beds each will be an opportunity for the Commission to have accommodation for resident athletes that are up to 244 without paying money for any accommodation, if renovated.
Mallam Yakmut's statements left no one in doubt about the past records of
Kwara in sporting activities and the current successes in the tract and field event. But it is not yet uhuru as talents abound in different parts of the state waiting to be tapped and exploited and do the state, Nigeria and African continent proud in championships.
Realising this, Governor Abdulfatah Ahmed received the athletes whose commitments earned them medals in continental and global championships in his office at the Government House, Ilorin. Governor Ahmed at the occasion promised to ensure increased sporting competitions with prizes at school levels to inculcate in youth, the sense of discipline and commitment.
Governor Ahmed who described Sports as engagements to inculcate sense of additional managerial skill on youth promised to encourage athletes in the state in building careers in sports and in pursuit of their education.
"Importance of sport to any society can never be over emphasised. So, sport is capable of not only serve of exercise but inculcate sense of management of activities on youths as they grow."
He expressed delight over the successes of the athletes in various championships and urged other athletes to exploit capacity to becoming state, national and international championships.
The Governor assured the Athletics Association and Sports Council of total support of his government to encourage current and potential athletes to win laurels for the state.
Governor Ahmed also promised to put the Indoor Sports Hall and other pitches like Basketball court, volleyball court at the State Stadium Complex to meet International standard.
"As government we intend to embark on comprehensive renovation of the indoor sport hall of the Kwara state stadium with some other pitches like volleyball, lawn tennis, badminton, basketball among others.
"Lack of boarding system in our schools has contributed negatively in no small measure to the development of sport and we are not going to rest in our oars in restoring body system in our schools."
The Chairman, Kwara State Amateur Athletics Association, Alhaji Tunde AbdulKareem who led the athletes had in his remarks praised the government for its efforts at restoring the lost glory in sports. Alhaji AbdulKareem told the governor that the Athletes had done the state proud by wining gold medals at African Junior Championship, Commonwealth Youth Games among other competitions outside the shores of Nigeria.
To demonstrate his encouragement, satisfaction and happiness to the performance of the athletes and the Athletics Association, Governor Ahmed granted immediate approval to all the requests made the Chairman, Athletics Association who was a one time Accountant-General of Kwara State. Some of the request granted include support for academic pursuit of the three athletes.
Governor Ahmed who was in 2013 honoured by the National Union of Teachers (NUT) for his support to education sector realises the nexus between quality education and successful athletes did not hesitate to direct the Chief of Staff, Government House, Alh. Abdulwahab Babatunde to collect the academic papers of the athletes who have all applied into the University of Ilorin for 2015/2016 academic session with a view to making them secure admission in the state, as a mark of honour and reward as well as platform to making them continue to represent the state in subsequent championships.
Additionally, the Sports loving Governor announced the donation of N250,000 each to the athletes and a handsome amount to the Coach of the athletes, Abiodun Adeyemi with a promise to enrol the handler at the National Sports Institute, Lagos to make him a certified Coach. This is equally an honour to the Coach which will ultimately spur other coaches to give best training and tactics to the athletes to enable them excel in championships.
This and similar efforts will encourage athletes to show more commitment to the state and discourage athletes resident in Kwara from representing other states of the federation in national and international championships. No doubt, the reward is an indication that whoever brings an honour to Kwara State will be acknowledged.
Thus, rewarding the deserving athletes without delay will continue to serve as impetus for them to go extra mile in winning laurels for the state. In fact, acknowledgement alone without monetary benefit atimes is a moral booster. This could be done by government and non governmental officials to spur them to do more for the state and Nigeria as a whole.
It is therefore imperative to state that investment in sport is huge and only government cannot shoulder it. Hence, communities, wealthy individuals and corporate organisations should investment more in sporting activities as business ventures and means of engaging the youths in productive engagements.
Bye and large, all and sundries must encourage athletes to remain focus on their unique abilities and interests on particular aspect of sports with comparative advantage in order to continue to put Kwara on global map and return the state to its glorious past in sports. Efforts must not also be spared to sustain and improve the culture of discovering new talents and in track and field events to become world beaters while athletes in other sporting events must all times be encouraged to do the state proud.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Fistula: Journalists orientation programme begins in Kano
Sharp practices: DPR sealed up six filling stations in Kwara.....slams N2m fines on each
Similarly, all the affected filling stations were suspended from operations for two months.
The Operations Controller, Ilorin Field Office, Mr. Salvation Philips who led inspection visits to some filling stations within Ilorin announced immediate suspension of operations and payment of two million naira fine on Super Moon Nigeria Limited along Ajase-Ipo road for over-pricing of pump price and threatening the lives of DPR officials.
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DPR Operations Controller, Mr. Salvation Phillip (in the centre) and officials of Super Moon Nigeria Ltd (One of the sealed stations) |
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Long queue in a filling station in Ilorin |
Also fined for two million naira was NIPCO Filling Station, along Ajase-ipo for under-delivering where the DPR Boss directed the filling station's management to re-adjust its pumping machines to normal before dispensing the remaining fuel.
Others fined for various violations are Yemsonat Filling station, New Yidi Road, Alkad Filling station, Western Reservoir road, Rockfield Filling station, Fate Road and Sollant Filling station, Ita-Amo which was fined for diverting twenty-two thousand litres of kerosene.
Speaking with newsmen, the Operations Controller of DPR, Mr. Salvation Philip said all acts of hoard and diversion would attract the fines of two million naira and two months suspension while failure to comply would lead to the withdrawal of licenses of the affected filling stations.
Mr. Philip said no filling station should dispense fuel into jerry cans until the situation is normalised, saying that any filling station that contravenes the rule would be sanctioned accordingly. The DPR Boss who said cheating the public was a gross violations urged petroleum marketers to adhere strictly to laws in order to ensure enabling environment for businesses to thrive in the state.
Mr. Philip said the DPR was monitoring all depots across the country to ensure that marketers comply with relevant regulations.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Health care: Governor Ahmed tasks private sector
Governor Abdulfatah Ahmed has charged private organizations to be supportive of governments in providing affordable and accessible health care delivery to the people.
Governor Ahmed gave the charge today in Sobi Specialist Hospital, Ilorin at the free eyes surgery programme organised by MTN in conjunction with the Kwara State Government
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Burden of Fistula in Nigeria
Monday, October 26, 2015
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Senate postpones Amaechi screening till tomorrow, set to screen Adebayo Shittu, 2 others
Senate is to screen only 3 ministerial nominees today as it scheduled the screening of former Governor of Rivers State, Mr. Rotimi Amaechi.
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Senate President, Bukola Saraki |
Sen. Melaye said the remaining ministerial nominees would spend more time than those already screened.
Among those scheduled to be screened today are Adebayo Shittu, Claudious Daramola and Khadija Bukar Abba Ibrahim.
Monday, October 19, 2015
Saraki vs CCT: Appeal Court adjourns judgement indefinitely
Mrs Christy Haruna, one of the Court Clerks announced the postponement of the judgment at the open court.
“I have been instructed by the court to inform parties and interested members of the public that a new date for the ruling shall be communicated,’’ she said.
The appellate court had on Friday fixed Oct.19 to deliver judgment on the appeal.
The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Saraki is facing charges on alleged false declaration of his assets.
Justice Moore Adumein, who led two other justices of the court, fixed the date for that judgment after entertaining arguments from counsel to parties in the suit.
At that hearing, counsel to Saraki, Mr Joseph Daudu (SAN) raised five major issues for determination by the court.
Daudu averred that the Code of Conduct Tribunal erred in law by proceeding with the trial with two members instead of the mandatory three as provided by the constitution.
He also held that the Tribunal lacked jurisdiction to try criminal charges.
On his part, Mr Rotimi Jacobs (SAN), the prosecution counsel, urged the court to discountenance all the grounds of arguments advanced by counsel to the applicant.
Jacobs had specifically submitted that the tribunal had criminal jurisdiction because of the use of words like “guilty” and “punishment” in the law that established it.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Take over the running of Primary schools, Kwara Gov tells FG
Similarly, the Government suggested the possible running of tertiary institution by private sector to get desired results.
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L-R: Governors of Kaduna, Bauchi, Kwara and Dep Gov of Katsina |
Governor Ahmed made the suggestions today in Abuja while participating in a discussion of Northern region at twenty-first Nigerian Economic Summit organized by the Nigerian Economic Summit Group and the National Planning Commission.
Governor Ahmed explained that the foundational level of education should not be left in the hands of local government authorities, pointing out that the cost of running primary education is beyond the local government in view of the dwindling allocation.
The governor emphasised the need for the prioritisation of intermediate vocational studies to properly equip the youths to meet manpower requirements for industries.
Governor Ahmed urged other governors in the north-central to exploit huge opportunities in the region to drive youths into getting productive ventures.
Oyo SWAN passes vote of no confidence on National Secretary
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Andrew Abah |
Monday, October 12, 2015
President Buhari forwards 2nd batch of ministerial list
Senate President, Doctor Bukola Saraki has received the second partial ministerial list from the Presidency.
The List was presented to the Senate President by the Chief of Staff to President Muhammadu Buhari, Alhaji Abba Kyari and the Senior Special Assistant to the President on National Assembly Matters (Senate), Sen. Ita Enang this afternoon.
Tribunal upholds Dino Melaye’s election
The Kogi State Election Petitions Tribunal sitting in Lokoja this morning upheld the election of Sen. Dino Melaye.
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Sen. Dino Melaye |
The petition had been dismissed before on a technical ground that it was filed out of time but the Court of Appeal ruled that the case should be heard.
Melaye, of the All Progressives Congress, broke the news of his triumph in a tweet this morning.
Otunba Dino Melaye
Political sins of Adebayo Shittu in Oyo State
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Adebayo Shittu |
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Fayose to Senators, supports Fayemi's nomination
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Ex-Gov. Kayode Fayemi and Gov. Ayo Fayose |
The tweets: