Showing posts with label Socio-political. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Socio-political. Show all posts

Saturday, March 20, 2010


“We the people of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, having firmly and solemnly resolved: To live in unity and harmony as one indivisible and indissoluble sovereign nation under God, dedicated to the promotion of inter-African solidarity, world peace, international co-operation and understanding: And to provide for a constitution for the purpose of promoting the good government and welfare of all persons in our country on the principles of freedom, equity and for the purpose of consolidating the unity of our people.”

This statement, forms the preamble of the nineteen ninety-nine constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria which commits every Nigerian to the pursuit of National Unity, irrespective of religion, ethnic and political affiliations.

It stresses the need for the citizens of this country to realize that irrespective of their place of origin, there is a rope that ties everyone together as Nigerian.

Ideally, people of a particular nation should share a common citizenship, common loyalty to the nation, common rights and common obligation or responsibilities for the stability of peaceful co-existence of the country.

It is also expected that there should not be discrimination of any sort in the application of the law, equitable share of protection and equitable share of amenities and facilities provided by government.

Citizens of a country are also to identify and be identified with some features that are common and unique to the country and the people
In Nigeria for example, all Nigerians are expected to be identified and to identify with the National flag, National Anthem, the National Currency that is Naira and Kobo, National Passport, National Identify Card and the National colour (Green White-Green) among others.

However, there are a number of deterrents to the realization of National Unity in Nigeria a secular State, with about one hundred and fifty million people, more than two hundred and fifty ethnic groups and multi-religious.

Ethnic affliction has been identified as a major impediment to national unity, because many people prefer to identify more with their ethnic groups, state or region than with the country.

Others are Multi-religious, uneven distribution of amenities, differences in language and the oppression of Minority by Majority or Vice Verse due to their access to power.

It is therefore necessary to improve the level of civic education and enlightenment of citizens on the need for peaceful co-existence and tolerance, with a view to curbing the spate of crisis in Jos, Plateau State, Niger Delta and other parts of the country.

Thus, there is the need for even distribution of amenities to all parts of the country, improvement on transport and communication facilities throughout the country to enhance mutual trust and understanding as well as more encouragement of inter-tribal marriages to enable couples to imbibe the spirit of tolerance and understanding of each others culture and custom, to make the country move united.

Traditional rulers, community leaders, political and non-political leaders as well as religious leaders should work vehemently towards promoting tolerance, unity and peaceful co-existence of the country for the realization of a National Unity.